Sunday Worship - One Service @ 11 AM in the Sanctuary

Adult Sunday School Classes

"Demonstrate the love of Christ by reaching those in need through hands on service." Missions reaches out to people through programs and work that allow us to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We share the good news of Jesus and provide direct aide to human suffering and need.  Mission programs are available for a wide range of interests, for teams, individuals, and the entire congregation to participate.

At this time, Sunday School classes are meeting both on campus and online.

Interested in visiting a group? There is a space for you! If you are interested in visiting a class, either on campus or online please email Mark at 


Adult Classes

Education Bldg, Room #210
The Rejoice Class is on a quest to know Jesus Christ! We study scripture, discuss how biblical history relates to today’s world and seek to recognize how God is at work in real life events and experiences. This always involves stories, discussion, laughter and food!  Believing faith leads us into true love for others, we are active in mission, service and sharing our time and gifts with those in need. We "rejoice" because we believe that knowing Jesus and doing his work is the best life one can live! Come learn, love and laugh with us. Friends will be expecting you there! 

Family Life Center Room #1003
This class for all ages enjoys learning how to be better disciples in today's world.  Throughout the year, they study the Bible through different Christian authors.  As a mission-oriented group, they spend time and money helping and serving others.  
Family Life Center, Room #1005
This class for couples and singles of all ages studies the Bible through contemporary authors, with focus on specific books of the Bible. Highlights of this class are lively discussions, fellowship and regular social gatherings. Bring your prayer needs and pray with the class. 

Family Life Center, Room #1009 
A class for mature adults who study Cokesbury Adult Bible Studies. We are like family and welcome new members and visitors.

For more information about adult Sunday School classes, please contact Rev. Mark Kimbrough.