Community Group
Build Community!
Join with other people in a small group setting for Fellowship, Community & Learning!
Lead Or Join a Small Group!
Contact: Mark Kimbrough
Acolytes Ministry
Acolytes Bring the Light to Worship!
Acolytes participate as helpers in worship.
They light candles, help with communion, assist Pastor during Baptisms, and carry the light out of worship at the end of service.
This is a GREAT opportunity to get your child involved in WORSHIP and SERVICE
Time Commitment
Come 15 minutes before service to robe up and get candlelighters ready.
Serve In Altar Area during Worship & help when asked.
Attend a short time of Acolyte Training provided by pastor and leader.
Bereavement Team
The Bereavement Team Serves With Compassion
To Those Suffering Loss
Recruit Church Members Who Want to Serve in Time of Loss
Communicate With Church Office About Death of Members
Contact Families of those Suffering a Loss
Determine the Immediate Needs of the Family
Contact Small Groups, Sunday School Classes, Friends To Help Supply Foods
Be Present at Service and After to Help With Hospitality
Receive & Provide Refreshments/Food After Funeral Services
Help Us By Supplying Cookies!
Leader & Team Members Needed
Communion ministry
Eat this Bread—Drink This Cup & Remember ME
We provide and purchase bread and juice for Communion
We come early to prepare the elements and the altar
We Assist the Pastor in serving
We Recruit servers to serve the communion to the congregation monthly
Time Commitment
We need Servers monthly during worship and for Special Services
It would be awesome if you could help with set up and clean up afterwards
Serve in this ministry - It will enrich your life!
Leader: Lee Ann Hess
Eagle’s Wings Ministry “Encourage one another and build each other, as indeed you are doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5-11
We Love, Encourage, Support & Uplift those who need it!
Visit church members and their family during surgeries in hospitals
Make contact with homebound members if they would like to receive visits.
Send cards and do home visits to members who are ill. (Materials provided)
Time Requirement…
The time required is up to each participant.
We Bring SUNSHINE to others!
Leader: Carol Rogers

Katy First Kids
Katy First Kids is the Umbrella for all our Children’s Ministries!
The Church Nursery
Children’s Sunday School
Children’s Church & Worship
Little People’s School
Summer Day Camps
Vacation Bible School
Special & Seasonal Children’s Events
We Need YOU to Make Them Excellent!
Sign Up Today!
Children’s Sunday SchoolDescription:
Teachers/Teacher Assistants needed for kids from 3 years to 5th grade.
Work with excellent Bible Based UMC Curriculum provided by Katy First
Implement & Plan Lessons and activities weekly for eager Learners!
A great place to learn, have fun and serve the Lord in Children’s Ministries
Time Requirements:
9:30 to 10:45 AMTeach with a Friend or Team
Flexible Schedule & Rotation Available with Multiple Teachers
Interim Leader: Kay Lynn Fenn
children’s church
Sing, Dance & Talk to Jesus!Description:
children’s Church is for children 3 years to 5th Grade & takes place after the Children’s Time in
11:00 Worship
Curriculum will be provided by Katy First
We need Leaders (to help with planning/implementing)
We also need Helpers to assist during the activities
Time Requirements:
Be present
at 11 AM Worship on Sundays
Escort children from worship to learning space or to playground
Lead activities until parents arrive
at Noon to 12:15 Interim Leader: Kay Lynn Fenn
Children’s Sunday SchoolDescription:
Teachers/Teacher Assistants needed for kids from 3 years to 5th grade.
Work with excellent Bible Based UMC Curriculum provided by Katy First
Implement & Plan Lessons and activities weekly for eager Learners!
A great place to learn, have fun and serve the Lord in Children’s Ministries
Time Requirements:
9:30 to 10:45 AMTeach with a Friend or Team
Flexible Schedule & Rotation Available with Multiple Teachers
Interim Leader: Kay Lynn Fenn
Nursery WorkersTime Requirements:
Time: Sunday mornings
9:30am to 12:30pm, and some other nights as needed
Age: Adults, young adults and high school students 10th-12th grade
Safe Sanctuary Training Required.
Looking for responsible workers who love babies and young children
Reading stories, supervising play and interaction with these angels!
This is a great opportunity to serve by caring for our children.
Paid positions are also available.
Come Love our littles!
Leader: Irene Wells
Lay liturgists
Lay Persons needed who are willing to participate in Worship Service
Leading Prayers, Reading Scripture, Leading Creeds, Narrations
Time Commitment
Preparation by reading through the scripture or reading at home
Being present in worship service to do the reading.
Being available to practice, rehearse other readings.
Leader Is Needed
Levites Ministry
Levites do odd jobs, repairs and projects that need doing around the church.
Bring your expertise and “handyman” vibe to keep building/grounds in repair!
Time Commitment
We have traditionally met on Wednesday mornings for coffee & planning
Time is determined by each project and task.
Usually happens during office hours, but the time is up to you!
Contact: Rey Veselka
Missions Ministry Reaching Out to Our Community & World
To Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus
Join with other Team Members to support the Mission & Outreach of our Church
Plan & Attend Mission opportunities
Repair Homes, Reach out to communities in peril. Respond after/during disasters
Promote acts of mercy and love to the vulnerable in Katy. (Homeless, immigrants)
Time Commitment
Attend Meetings, stay informed about needs/bring ideas/opportunities to the team
Leader: Bud Ramser
Music & Worship Arts
Places To Serve in Music & Worship Arts
Festival Choir
Celebration Singers Youth
Musical Monday Funday Children’s Choirs
Worship Team
Sanctuary Ringers
Contact: Barry Barrios
United Methodist Men
Meet for breakfast on the 2nd Saturday of each month
Food, Fellowship, Education, Spiritual Growth & Fun
Methodist Men help with church projects, dinners, and special donations
The Sweetheart Banquet, Church Barbeques, and other events help fund Mission Projects
We have special speakers for some of the monthly meetings
Leaders: David Chastain, Mike Ellisor, Derek Spier, Dennis Gordon
Ushers & Greeters
Welcome People To Worship!
Greet visitors and members with a friendly face & a bulletin
Help direct people to seating—especially if they are new
Help with campus directions to restrooms, coffee and classes
Collect offering, do worship count & help straighten Sanctuary after service
Time Commitment
Arrive 20 minutes before the Service & stay to tidy afterwards
Options: Serve EVERY week/4 Consecutive Sundays for a Month/At your service
Serve at 8:30, 11:00 Worship / At special services / If time is limited, Serve as a Sub!
United Methodist
Women of Faith
Formerly United Methodist Women (UMW)
ALL Women of the Church are invited to participate in this group organized for…
Mission, Fellowship, Spiritual Growth, Mission Projects & Fun!
Monthly Circle Meetings
Participation in special events
Join Women In Ministry & Service
Worship TEAm
Works with Director of Music & Fine Arts
Plans worship & Prepares Sanctuary for seasons of Church Year
Decorates sanctuary for Lent, Advent and special services.
Provides Lay Readers, Speakers for Dramas, Cantatas and other events
Time Commitment
Attend monthly/Seasonal Meetings and work with decor teams for special services. (During Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve, etc.
Do You Have a Gift for Worship?
Altar Creation TeamDescription
Creation of seasonal & Liturgical Altars that enhance Worship experiences during Lent, Advent, Thanksgiving, Baptism of the Lord, World Communion, and on other holy seasons and days.
Employees the Spiritual Gift of Craftsmanship (referenced in Exodus 25 and 31 in the building of the Temple) as well as the Spiritual gifts of Praise and Worship.
Worship Closet on 2nd Floor Education Building is available for use, supplied with many fabrics, candles, and other Christian symbols, icons and artifacts. Personal items and decor may also be used for the creation!
Other spaces in Narthex and Connection Center may be included in the decor.
Time Commitment
Access to the Sanctuary during office hours and whatever time is needed to create is up to the individual person and their creative process.
Led by Karen Dorris and Karen House Morrison

Youth Group
Time: Most Sunday Nights from 4:30-7:30pm
Age: College age or older, you don’t have to have kids in youth!
Work with our Junior High and High School Youth.
Typical Sunday Night you would meet to go over the lesson together before youth arrive. Then enjoy some free time and dinner with the youth before the lesson and a game.
Leaders: Ben Middleton & Samantha Pantermuehl
Youth Missions
Two Main Options:
Junior High Mission Trip- 4 days-
June 1-June 4Do mission with our JH students, along with students from Holy Covenant and St. Peter’s as we work in Galveston
UM ARMY for High School Students- 7 days-
July 9-July 15Location TBD
Work with HS students from our region to do things like build wheelchair ramps, paint, demo, yard work, etc. Or be there to share the faith (other non-construction type opportunities too!).
You DO NOT have to have a youth going on the trip to serve!!
Do you know of another way our Youth can serve?!? Let Danielle know!
Leader: Danielle Harris